Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Bangladesh
2. Awarding Authority: United Nations Development Programme, BTMC Bhaban (8th floor), National Human Rights Commission, 7-9 Karwanbazar, Dhaka, BD, 1215. Email: bd.procurement@undp.org.
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: Hiring a firm for Climate Change Vulnerability Assessments (Physical Vulnerability and Social-Economic Vulnerability) with Infrastructure assessments of 9 LIUPC (Livelihoods Improvement of Urban Poor Communities) Cities
5. CPV Code(s): 71351611
6. NUTS code(s): Not provided.
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Bangladesh
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: 59290, RFP-BD-2019-039
9. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided.
10. Deadline: (local time) 7.10.2019 (16:30).
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
12. Other information: TKR-2019917-EX-1163926