Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Romania
2. Awarding Authority: World Bank, RO. Web:
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: The World Bank and Romanian Government recently agreed on a new project aimed at strengthen Romania’s institutional and legal framework to effectively manage the physical, social and fiscal impacts of natural disaster and climate change (Development Policy Loan with Catastrophic Drawdown Option, P166303). Under this project, public surveys will be undertaken at the start and conclusion of the project to understand the level of public awareness around disaster and climate risk in Romania.
5. CPV Code(s): 79311000
6. NUTS code(s): Not provided.
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Romania
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: 1259546
9. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided.
10. Expression of Interest Deadline: (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) 23.10.2018 (23:59:59).
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
12. Other information: TKR-20181015-EX-881853