Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Nigeria
Contract type: Service contract
Contracting authority: World Bank, Nigeria. Web:
Object of the contract
A Risk Transfer Pilot Project is a project that develops and issues at least one distinct index-based insurance product for various crops for one or more clients in Nigeria. Risk Transfer Pilot Projects involve activities with the overall outcome being to provide customers with effective financial protection against defined weather and natural catastrophe risks that impinge upon their livelihoods. The capacity building component mainly involves putting in place internal structures and relevant teams within a private insurance company to develop and manage key index insurance product processes (hazard data collection, product design, evaluation, pricing, market analysis, value of insurance analysis, etc.). It also includes the delivery of general education and awareness-raising on the benefits of index insurance for mitigating climate risks and unlocking investment potential and income-generation for farmers.
CPV: 66510000
Administrative Information
Expression of Interest Deadline: (Eastern Time – Washington D.C.) 23.7.2018 (23:59:59)
For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
Other Information