Type of document: Contract Notice
Country: Tanzania, United Republic Of
2. Awarding Authority: United Nations Capital Development Fund, TZ Email: uncdf.procurement@uncdf.org. (Maxime Allonce, Procurement Associate)
3. Contract type: Service contract
4. Description: Technical support for the development of concept notes, project funding proposals, technical annexes, as well as accreditation support to prospective National Implementing Entities (NIEs) of the Green Climate Fund (GCF) in target LoCAL countries. UNCDF would like to enter into a non-exclusive Framework Agreement, also known as Long-Term Agreement (LTA), with one or more firms (maximum 3 qualified firms) that will perform the services described below on a need-basis. The objective of this consultancy is to support target LoCAL countries to: Objective 1: Develop GCF concept notes (incorporating the LoCAL mechanism) in support of existing or candidate LoCAL countries; Objective 2: Develop full-fledged GCF project funding proposals (incorporating the LoCAL mechanism) in support of existing or candidate LoCAL countries; Objective 3: Develop technical annexes of funding proposals, including project feasibility assessment and oversee the development of other technical annexes that require additional expertise such as vulnerability assessments; Objective 4: Provide Accreditation support to candidate National Implementing Entities of the GCF in participating LoCAL countries.
5. CPV Code(s): 71356300
6. NUTS code(s): Not provided.
7. Main site or location of works, main place of delivery or main place of performance: Tanzania
8. Reference attributed by awarding authority: 56956
9. Estimated value of requirement: Not provided.
10. Deadline: ((GMT -4.00) East Africa Time) US & Canada) 26.7.2019 (20:00).
11. Address to which they must be sent: For further information and instructions in the above contract notice please visit website:
12. Other information: TKR-2019627-EX-1094358