Type of document: Additional information
Country: Belgium
OJEU Ref: (2019/S 075-176815/EN)
Nature of contract: Service contract
Procedure: Not applicable
Regulation of procurement: EU Institutions
Type of bid required: Not applicable
Additional information
BE-Brussels: EDF – Technical assistance to implement the Support Programme to the Maritime Security Strategy in Central Africa (Programme d’appui à la stratégie de sûreté et de sécurité maritimes en Afrique centrale (PASSMAR))
Corrigendum No. of the pre-information notice
(Supplement to the Official Journal of the European Union, 8.4.2019, 2019/S 069-161270)
European Union, represented by the European Commission on behalf of and for the account of the Economic Community of Central African States (ECCAS), Brussels, Belgium
Instead of:
7. Contract description
Mobilisation of technical assistance to support the project. Management, coordination and supervision of the entire project implemented under direct management (P1.1, P1.2, P1.3) will be carried out by the long-term technical assistance team in close coordination and collaboration and, where appropriate, under the supervision of the SG-ECCAS. Given the project’s strong inter-institutional and inter-state dimension, technical assistance must rely on close collaboration with/between stakeholders, and must facilitate permanent understanding and simultaneous support for the structures concerned. This dialogue will be based on the institutional and political legitimacy of ECCAS and its General Secretariat, which will facilitate authoritative communication and close collaboration of the project with all stakeholders of ECCAS and its member states.
8. Indicative budget
3 800 000 EUR
9. Scheduled date for publication of the contract notice
7. Contract description
Mobilisation of technical assistance to support the project. Management, coordination, supervision, communication and visibility of the entire project implemented under direct management (P1.1, P1.2, P1.3) will be carried out by the long-term technical assistance team in close coordination and collaboration and, where appropriate, under the supervision of the SG-ECCAS.
Given the project’s strong inter-institutional and inter-state dimension, technical assistance must rely on close collaboration with/between stakeholders, and must facilitate permanent understanding and simultaneous support for the structures concerned. This dialogue will be based on the institutional and political legitimacy of ECCAS and its General Secretariat, which will facilitate authoritative communication and close collaboration of the project with all stakeholders of ECCAS and its member states.
8. Indicative budget
3 900 000 EUR
9. Scheduled date for publication of the contract notice